
Italian start-up adds the sense of smell to virtual reality

On the occasion of ECRO 2022, one of the leading international scientific conferences on olfaction, which this year takes place in Berlin from August 31st to September 3rd, CyNexo, a north-eastern Italian start-up presented a further evolution of their already tried and tested, and much appreciated, Sniff-0 platform for the ...

SHARPER 2020: CyNexo at the European Researchers’ Night

We are proud to be present at the European Researchers' Night which will take place in Trieste on November 26th, 27th and 28th. This international event, promoted by the European Commission, is back and exclusively online this year, involving thousands of researchers in hundreds of European cities. The Trieste Researchers' Night ...

SISSA: two-year framework agreement

We are proud to announce that in last few days we have proceeded with the signing of a two-year framework agreement contract between CyNexo and SISSA for the provision of extraordinary maintenance and ordinary maintenance services for the experimental set-ups of the Neuroscience Area. We are happy that the relationship we ...

ECRO 2020

The CyNexo team is looking forward to meeting many of you participating at ECRO XXX - 2020 even if only virtually this year. We are proud be sponsoring once again such an inspiring event. We are ready to share our new olfactometry products with you and listen to your needs. For ...

Effectiveness of ozone on Covid-19: test in progress

In collaboration with The Laboratory of Molecular Virology of I.C.G.E.B. directed by Professor Alessandro Marcello, the team consisting of CyNexo, MicroFox, 3SLab, the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padua and the Edmund Mach Foundation has started a series of tests to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone on ...